Let's escape and find neverland together. I know we all want to stay our age ); JC LIFE SUCKS. but we are IPs! we shall endure. ALL THE WAY!
Why does it feel that these days all we come to school for is to be lectured on stuff NECESSARY for scoring well in the A'Levels? Whatever happened to the joy in learning! Whatever happened to pursuing knowledge because we WANT to. Why's EVERYTHING about exams exams EXAMSSSSSS.
and ooi is just ranting. on a lighter note, PLAY RAGDOLL AVALANCHE 2! a great way to destress and have fun :) alternatively, you can try PET SOCIETY - the game Janice has an OBSESSION with bathing her UGLYYYY LA LA (pet.)
For the benefit of (old) Chwistoe and Mr Chia, here's an update of what has happened so far in the otherwise fine and dandy world of the fourckers:
1) 3 weeks of introductory lecture filled with revision, revision and more revision
2) Orientation! where kky perved on plenty of girls. plenty of pervy guys perved on cara. tracy gwen and wen jia lived through the week as OGLs with the rest of the OG believing we were J2s.
and that's all there is to our wonderful fourcker life
lots of love from your fellow fourckers :D