Hello 04!
As part of outreach of Sigma Labs, South Zone Science and Technology Centre, NJC Sigma Lab is inviting students to participating in the Sigma Research Attachment Programme.
This is a 2-week full time attachment at Sigma Labs (in NJC) from 4 Jun (Mon) to 15 Jun (Fri) 2007 and is meant for high-ability science students who are interested in life science research.
Students will be working on a simple research topic in groups of 3 under the mentorship of 2 research scientists from A*STAR. The research scientists are attached to Sigma Labs as part of A*STAR's Scientist-in-School Programme. Such experience will give students an edge when they apply for longer research programme when they are in Junior College.We are given 9 spaces for IP1 students who are interested. Students must be free and must be excused from any other school activity for the period of attachment. Please kindly drop me an email: nah_hong_leong@moe.edu.sg and provide the following details: name, NRIC number, age, email and contact number.