You've been royally summoned to ohsevenipohfour's radddd blog.
yeah, so click around to navigate.
y'know the drill.
& meet the fourckers.
Mr Chia themathrypoppins Mdm Woon thesweetykittypretty Lynna thebitch(y) Cara theditz Wen Jia theoutofcontrol Yi Yan theyellowbanana Ren Jean theawesomest Christel thefourckerforever Gayle thebaldpotato Shu Yi sucks! Janice thequanquanfan Kara-anne thedancingbimbo Zhuo Yun thectrep Qiu Lin thennnggggggggggggg Serene thefuntastic! Sui Ping theperpetualsugarhigh Tracy thescaryexcouncillor Jing Yi thedatou Gwen thelambgwen Ashwyn stillthebamboopoletracker Hieu theastroboy Divij theNOSEOFKNOWLEDGE Yun Qing isthinking Kaushik theclassbunker Kai Yuan theshagshagshag Wei Quan thejanjanfan Quyen themalegwen Pravin theBIGEYES Xu Yang thechinaman Carol thenewestfourcker
so maybe we can't dance
and we really can't sing
we can only do one thing
and that's be ip ohfour.
innit obvious? -we're the best
hell yeah we're gunna kick your :D